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Two hands to heaven and two feet on the ground

The saying in Chinese medicine that corresponds to "two hands to heaven and two feet on the ground" is "两手扶天,两足踏地" (liǎng shǒu fú tiān, liǎng zú tà dì). This phrase emphasizes a balanced and harmonious connection between the human body and the universe, representing a fundamental principle in traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts practices.

The literal translation of "两手扶天,两足踏地" is "both hands support the heavens, both feet step on the earth." It embodies the concept of maintaining a strong connection to both the spiritual realm (heaven) and the physical world (earth) in one's daily life and practices.

In traditional Chinese medicine, this saying underscores the importance of balancing one's energy and maintaining harmony within the body and with the surrounding environment. It reflects the idea that humans are an integral part of the natural world and are influenced by the cycles and energies of nature.

In martial arts, "两手扶天,两足踏地" represents a stance that fosters stability, grounding, and the ability to channel and direct energy effectively. It is essential for practitioners to establish a strong foundation both physically and spiritually to enhance their martial arts techniques.

Overall, the saying "两手扶天,两足踏地" highlights the holistic approach of Chinese medicine and the importance of finding balance and alignment within oneself and with the universe to promote health, well-being, and harmony.


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