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Showing posts from August, 2013

Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip Replacement Surgery – A Guide to Prevention and Recovery for Acupuncture Practitioners

TCM tongue diagnosis

Love your Spleen – TCM tongue diagnosis and case stu dy
"Bino," Brazil's albino alligator, gets acupuncture for bad back 
Shawnee woman finds relief from West Nile in acupuncture

Alternative Treatments Could See Wide Acceptance Thanks to Obama Care

The Affordable Care Act says that insurance companies "shall not discriminate" against any state-licensed health provider, which could lead to better coverage of chiropractic, homeopathic and naturopathic care. Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images. Jane Guiltinan said the husbands are usually the stubborn ones. When her regular patients, often married women, bring their spouses to theBastyr Center for Natural Health to try her approach to care, the men are often skeptical of the treatment plan -- a mix of herbal remedies, lifestyle changes and sometimes, conventional medicine. After 31 years of practice, Guiltinan, a naturopathic physician, said it is not uncommon for health providers without the usual nurse or doctor background to confront patients' doubts. "I think it's a matter of education and cultural change," she said. As for the husbands -- they often come around, Guiltinan said, but only after they see that her treatments solve their problems.