Dr kurt is trained in various styles of acupuncture and uses an
integration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Japanese Meridian Therapy,
Korean Acupuncture, Auricular Acupuncture, Dr. Tan’s Balance Method, and
Classical Five-Element Acupuncture in order to achieve the best results
for his patients.
*Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM — One of the most widely practiced form of acupuncture, and in which the plurality of practitioners are trained. According to TCM the body is filled with channels or lines of energy that innervates all parts of the body. The channels foster points that allow access to the manipulation of this energy to remove blockages and imbalances to the body’s energetic flow, effecting the various parts and organs of the body. Removing these blockages and correcting imbalances allows the smooth flow of blood and energy, stimulating the body to heal itself. These acupuncture points are stimulated using fine sterilized stainless steel disposable needles.
*Japanese Meridian Therapy — A form of acupuncture where the practitioner uses palpation and touch to diagnose the areas of discomfort and disease. Needle insertion is usually more shallow and gentle as more points are used to stimulate ashi points. Ashi points are areas or points of pain upon palpation and are non-traditional acupuncture points indicating stagnation or blockage of energy and blood.
*Korean Acupuncture — A form of acupuncture that integrates techniques from TCM, Japanese acupuncture, and five-element acupuncture. Diagnosis can be made by assessing your basic constitution and treating the root element of your imbalance. Treatment approach may include the Four-Needle technique.
*Auricular Acupuncture — Points on the outer ear are needled and/or stimulated with ear seeds in order to affect the body. The ear can be used to represent the entire body as demonstrated in reflexology. The NADA 5-needle protocol for auricular acupuncture is widely used for smoke cessation, substance abuse, and PTSD.
*Dr. Tan’s Balance Method — This method of acupuncture is one of the most clinically effective treatments for pain. Points often on the opposite side and opposite limb are stimulated in order to counter balance the areas of disease. This treatment method is also being used in community acupuncture where groups of people can be treated in a room together as points can often be chosen on the distal limbs allowing the patient to be fully clothed and sitting.
*Classical Five-Element Acupuncture — The five elements are at the root of all acupuncture theory. The five elements in nature: water, wood, fire, earth, and metal are also within each of us as a microcosm of the universe. When these elements are in harmony, there is health and our true potentials can be obtained. We can have balance of body, mind, and spirit. Through Classical Five-Element Acupuncture the root issues of disharmony are addressed, healing at its deepest nature.
*Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM — One of the most widely practiced form of acupuncture, and in which the plurality of practitioners are trained. According to TCM the body is filled with channels or lines of energy that innervates all parts of the body. The channels foster points that allow access to the manipulation of this energy to remove blockages and imbalances to the body’s energetic flow, effecting the various parts and organs of the body. Removing these blockages and correcting imbalances allows the smooth flow of blood and energy, stimulating the body to heal itself. These acupuncture points are stimulated using fine sterilized stainless steel disposable needles.
*Japanese Meridian Therapy — A form of acupuncture where the practitioner uses palpation and touch to diagnose the areas of discomfort and disease. Needle insertion is usually more shallow and gentle as more points are used to stimulate ashi points. Ashi points are areas or points of pain upon palpation and are non-traditional acupuncture points indicating stagnation or blockage of energy and blood.
*Korean Acupuncture — A form of acupuncture that integrates techniques from TCM, Japanese acupuncture, and five-element acupuncture. Diagnosis can be made by assessing your basic constitution and treating the root element of your imbalance. Treatment approach may include the Four-Needle technique.
*Auricular Acupuncture — Points on the outer ear are needled and/or stimulated with ear seeds in order to affect the body. The ear can be used to represent the entire body as demonstrated in reflexology. The NADA 5-needle protocol for auricular acupuncture is widely used for smoke cessation, substance abuse, and PTSD.
*Dr. Tan’s Balance Method — This method of acupuncture is one of the most clinically effective treatments for pain. Points often on the opposite side and opposite limb are stimulated in order to counter balance the areas of disease. This treatment method is also being used in community acupuncture where groups of people can be treated in a room together as points can often be chosen on the distal limbs allowing the patient to be fully clothed and sitting.
*Classical Five-Element Acupuncture — The five elements are at the root of all acupuncture theory. The five elements in nature: water, wood, fire, earth, and metal are also within each of us as a microcosm of the universe. When these elements are in harmony, there is health and our true potentials can be obtained. We can have balance of body, mind, and spirit. Through Classical Five-Element Acupuncture the root issues of disharmony are addressed, healing at its deepest nature.
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