In the first treatment trial ever performed to research the effectiveness of acupuncture on GWI, NESA 's researchers will study how acupuncture affects sufferers of this complex syndrome, which is characterized by many symptoms, including fatigue, musculoskeletal pain, headaches , dizziness, memory problems, indigestion , skin problems, shortness of breath, and mood disorders. More than 100,000 of the 700,000 Gulf War veterans report chronic multi-symptom illnesses which persist for years after seeking treatment. "Many veterans have received treatment directed towards their symptoms, but reports from five- and 10-year follow-ups show that symptoms remain, including some which are severe and disabling," says Lisa Conboy MA, MS, ScD, Co-director of the Research Department and Chair of the Biomedical Department at NESA, and Principal Investigator for NESA's upcoming clinical trial. Conboy continues, "Clearly, an effective treatment for these condit...