Acupuncture blends Classical TCM and Japanese Meridian Theory with structural and myofascial techniques for the treatment of pain, soft tissue injuries, postural imbalances and other general systemic disorders.Expanding a traditional acupuncture overview to include the physical manifestations of injury i.e. tight muscles and trigger points that are the result of structural imbalances, disease processes, emotional holding patterns and pain, years of chronic constrictions can yield in relatively few sessions.
Acupuncture is used as a "physical therapy" to release the muscular, skeletal and emotional holding patterns that are the root causes of tension, pain, postural assymmetries, the precursors of injury, and the residues of internal disease.
The aim of treatment is to create a harmonious balance within the musculoskeletal and meridian systems that generates healing and promotes overall health and well-being.
Drawing upon the works of Dr. Mark Seem (Acupuncture Physical Medicine), Kiko Matsumoto, Shudo Denmai, the trigger point therapy of Dr. Janet Travell and other traditional practitioners, this method incorporates the best from both eastern and western medical practices.
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