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When there is the two-theorys, and both try to explain something, then the paradoxes arise, and is the light of the paradoxes that illuminates our minds to a new approach to a problem. But you only get a new approach if you are navigating through the various knowledge, for while beliefs are rooted in unique consiguirĂ¡ you hardly see any light at the end of the tunnel. Before anything else is good to make clear that the scientific method we have today is still the best tool we have to study nature and its interaction with things. And it is the light that many researchers try to explain acupuncture. WHO recognizes scientific evidence in various pathologies that can be treated by acupuncture, but even so, there always appear more scientific studies trying to prove whether or not there is effective with the use of needles. Unfortunately these studies are full of bias, there are so many interests wanting to prove or disprove the use of needles, which is no longer possible to believe in the real art of making a study using the scientific method: ... who is doing research doctor or acupuncturist? ... who sponsors the research is interested in it? ... who study, understand or understand acupuncture research? All these are flaws that prevent a good quality of any study. But another point we need to take into consideration is the question the research is testing the efficacy of acupuncture in a population, not I will discuss here, or are testing the modus operandi of this art. Apart from its flaws, it is easy to understand if an acupuncture treatment is effective or not through the scientific method, because with an appropriate methodology, can be seen with certainty what their level of effectiveness in a certain portion of the population. But even so, research has not hit consistently with the practice of an office and we are still left in doubt whether such searches are valid for acupuncture. But other studies, acupuncture try to understand and explain it. Many researchers should be dead wrong about what really is acupuncture, or need to review their concepts of scientific methodology, as I have seen many studies saying that the mode of action of acupuncture is based on the release of chemicals into the acupuncture point, or stimulate an appropriate nerve, or make the corresponding stimulation dermĂ¡tono and many other crap, which basically have nothing to do with acupuncture. But if you stimulate an acupuncture point with a needle and releases the chemical in the brain due to nerve stimulation, we are not talking about acupuncture, but electrical stimulation - which is a feature of physical therapy, and also studying medicine. A researcher who conducts such a study to understand acupuncture is actually a leading medical research, physical therapy, dermatology, or any other. Any student knows that acupuncture therapy acupuncture involved is through the regulation of energy ( Qi) in the meridians of the body, so any serious research on this has to study the process of circulation of energy throughout the body, and this is where lies our great paradigm, because it is impossible for a Cartesian mind trying to understand the whole of an organism, because our tendency will always be "separate and count." A striking example is that a researcher need to be completely isolated from their experiment in order to test his hypothesis with relief: the double (triple) blind. When the research involves drugs, automobiles, chemicals ..., maybe even pass, because the variables involved are so few that their control is easy, but when we speak of life are infinite number of variables. Today, the pharmaceutical industry, for example, launches its new drugs on the market after extensive testing and controlled experiments in maybe two years ..., in their eagerness for profit immediately, but as you can test all the answers and a new drug several generations with only two years? ... Of course, in small letters you will find in the instructions: "Do not use in patients such and such and such" ... and "other unexpected reactions can occur," all because the testing labs are full of flaws. How to believe in these surveys form? Acupuncture is resurfacing today, perhaps the need for a more secure and less dangerous way to treat people and is systematically bumping these Cartesian standards of scientific research. One of the biggest mistakes in scientific research within acupuncture, in my view, is that it remove the observer from the experiment, as well as the methodology advocated. And here is where we find a great paradigm ... the convergence of two deep knowledge. Since the time of the height of Greek civilization were already saying that the atom was the fundamental substance of the matter, in the twentieth century advances in technology made ​​it possible to know the atoms, still undivided, but many recent studies have altered this knowledge, the atom was bombed and many particles originated from him (we know today about 200 particles) and it ceased to be indivisible; within the atom was discovered that there is an expanse of emptiness, that the particles behave as matter and as a wave that a particle can be converted into energy, also found that when you bomb an element, you create another element (antimatter) that soon falls apart, finally, the concept of matter and energy that the universe had changed radically different from it was thought a few decades ago. Today we know that the more you split the atom, but you can find empty inside, and there comes a time when there is more matter, but only energy flowing, and also that you do not know the real position of that energy, unless you look directly at them (interact), for the energy still represents nothing, and only worth something in motion and when it relates to other energy around you, and all this will be influenced by the beholder. See, to better understand these concepts need to read a book of contemporary physics, because these little information I put here will not be sufficient to understand the whole process. I'll put here below a quote from a book that best explains the above: " Quantum theory had just put down the classical concepts of solid objects and of strictly deterministic laws of nature. At the subatomic level, the solid material objects of classical physics dissolve into similar patterns of probability waves, these patterns, ultimately, do not represent probabilities of things, but probabilities of interconnections. Careful analysis of the process of observation in atomic physics has shown that the subatomic particles have no meaning as isolated entities, which can only be understood as interconnections, as preparing an experiment and their later measurement. Quantum theory thus reveals a basic unit in the universe. It shows us that we can not decompose the world into smaller units equipped with independent existence. As we penetrate into matter nature does not show us any "basic building blocks "isolated. On the contrary, appears before us as a complicated web of relationships between different parts of the whole. These relations always include the observer in an essential way. The human observer constitutes the final link in the chain process of observation, and the properties of any atomic object can only be understood in terms of object interaction with the observer. In other words, the classical ideal of an objective description of nature loses its validity. The Cartesian partition between self and world, between observer and observed not can be made ​​when dealing with atomic matter. " The above text refers to the atomic constitution of matter, of course, but you must understand that what we mean by matter is becoming ever more energy, and that this energy is the energy read for the practitioner in their day-to-day, and that is the same energy that the ancient Chinese have explained to us: Above there is heaven, below there is the Earth, Men are in the middle. Heaven on earth starts rotating the timing and everything becomes cyclical; Yang starts the day grows, dininui gives way to Yin, which grows and then decreases also giving back to the beginning of the Yang cycle. This circular process of energy occurs in heaven, on earth and within our bodies (in humans), this energy cycles through our meridians so that every two hours, the energy becomes abundantly on a path opening and closing the points right to regulate the flow of that energy in its excess or deficiency, it goes through the blood on our wrists, runs in the rivers on earth, the passing of the seasons, gives rise to the beginning of the harvest in plantations and is above our heads guiding star to Heaven . It's all interconnected. And if not interferĂ­ssemos anything, would we ever know on plantations, on the tides, the diseases on the day of our death, as was done previously. This is a summary view of a Taoist way of viewing the universe, which is what explains acupuncture. The fact that no more think of matter, but energy, and we are all interconnected with our environment, we back again issue of scientific methodology, to study acupuncture is necessary to enter into the acupuncture experience it, because more than one treatment, it is a sensory experience, and if a researcher or a practitioner not experience the experiment, it will not work. An experience lived by Eugen Herrigel in this clearly shows the interconnectedness of everything: "Herrigel spent more than five years with a celebrated Japanese master to learn his art" mystical, "and in his book gives us a personal account of how it has experienced the Zen through archery and arrow. It describes how the art of archery and the arrow was presented to him as a religious ritual "dancing" in spontaneous movements and made ​​no effort or purpose. Henrrigel took many years of practice exhaustive, which eventually turn his whole being, so he could learn how to bend the bow "spiritually," doing a kind of effortless strength, and how to release the string "without intention," letting the fire "falling from the hands of the archer like a ripe fruit. "When he reached the pinnacle of perfection, bow, arrow, archery target and merged into one and Herrigel did not fire, but" trigger "for him." Instead of bows, arrows, targets and Archer, imagine: acupuncture, needle, patient, all interconnected in the energy of qi, it would be possible to isolate one of these variables in a serious scientific study in acupuncture? "A piece of bamboo in winter the snow accumulates on itself until a certain point, the sheet bends and the snow falls. There is the sheet that drops the snow, she drops. " The Zen Art of Archery - Herrigel, Eugen. It's very difficult trying to pass broad concepts through words, it goes much against what is preached in the Eastern philosophy, as this, you need to experience this knowledge. It is necessary that each person seeks his own account through the experience, so the above may seem somewhat confusing, but it is the foundation of Taoism, the cronoacupuntura, scientific methodology and quantum theory of matter. They are very broad concepts , I also am learning only now, just try to justify the mistake of impeccable scientific methodology that attempts to explain acupuncture isolating the observer of the experiment. In my view, is a huge flaw in the method and there are so many other faults, until we change the point of view: we are not dealing with matter and energy but we should not look but the parties whole. Kieling George Additional Comments on the above text (July 2, 2011) The question from the standpoint of the observer is so important in scientific research of acupuncture, I felt the need to close the text with an additional clarification. I will give two examples taken from books, which make clear the point of view: Imagine you are watching a fish in an aquarium and you're facing the aquarium and the fish are swimming against you, going forward the aquarium. You'll see a fish with two eyes, right? But now you, as an observer, will look the same fish, still swimming in the same direction (to the front of the tank), but the side of the aquarium. You will see that the fish has a tapered shape different, and you see the fish that now he seems to have only one eye. The reality has not changed, the object of study is that the fish has not changed, the only thing that changed was the point of view of an observer and with it the notion of reality has also changed the observer. Second example: imagine a donut (sweet bakery) with that form thickened ring, imagine a plane (mathematical description) divindo the donut into two half moons . From the perspective of the plan that divided the donut bidimencional you think that the two circles made ​​by the court are independent of each other, but if you look at the three-dimensional space where the donut is inserted (which is also the plan) then the two circles are part the same donut. When you see the donut different angles, the reality - that is the same - also appears in a different way. In the day-to-day ordinary human being there is no need to separate the space of time: things are different, but if look in a new light, the view of atomic particles, we can not separate these two quantities, as Einstein told us that they have formed a new conjuctiva called space-time (a fourth dimension), the reality has not changed, but our perspective is to see things have changed. Acupuncture deals with the energy circulating in the body on the planet in the universe, this energy flows in ways that do not see, but only deduce, whose research is beginning to loom large today. We're entering a different perspective to see and understand the world, our way of seeing this new world, is now looked at from another angle. We can not see reality as it is because we are used to catalog the reality according to a vision limited by our senses and our prejudices, as the old Oriental, mystical, religious, practicing acupuncture, they do meditation, that have a life more in tune with their environment, can sense their environment in a different level of reality, but reality can not translate that into words, because these are too limited to express things that our mind does not understand, then any scientific study involving the Qi energy is very difficult to have certified its validity in the current patterns of scientific research. If your patient is a therapist directing the Qi energy through the needles, and an outsider watching this treatment, all somehow be influencing the single reality, but with views different from one another. This has to be considered in the experiment, since if we isolate the patient, therapist and researcher, each of these situations will be / will have a different view of the same reality. And acupuncture is not scientifically proven that way. This is the focus of this issue. Let the placebo for another post. Kieling George Acupuncture deals with the energy circulating in the body on the planet in the universe, this energy flows in ways that do not see, but only deduce, whose research is beginning to loom large today. We're entering a different perspective to see and understand the world, our way of seeing this new world, is now looked at from another angle. We can not see reality as it is because we are used to catalog the reality according to a vision limited by our senses and our prejudices, as the old Oriental, mystical, religious, practicing acupuncture, they do meditation, that have a life more in tune with their environment, can sense their environment in a different level of reality, but reality can not translate that into words, because these are too limited to express things that our mind does not understand, then any scientific study involving the Qi energy is very difficult to have certified its validity in the current patterns of scientific research. If your patient is a therapist directing the Qi energy through the needles, and an outsider watching this treatment, all somehow be influencing the single reality, but with views different from one another. This has to be considered in the experiment, since if we isolate the patient, therapist and researcher, each of these situations will be / will have a different view of the same reality. And acupuncture is not scientifically proven that way. This is the focus of this issue. Let the placebo for another post. Kieling George Acupuncture deals with the energy circulating in the body on the planet in the universe, this energy flows in ways that do not see, but only deduce, whose research is beginning to loom large today. We're entering a different perspective to see and understand the world, our way of seeing this new world, is now looked at from another angle. We can not see reality as it is because we are used to catalog the reality according to a vision limited by our senses and our prejudices, as the old Oriental, mystical, religious, practicing acupuncture, they do meditation, that have a life more in tune with their environment, can sense their environment in a different level of reality, but reality can not translate that into words, because these are too limited to express things that our mind does not understand, then any scientific study involving the Qi energy is very difficult to have certified its validity in the current patterns of scientific research. If your patient is a therapist directing the Qi energy through the needles, and an outsider watching this treatment, all somehow be influencing the single reality, but with views different from one another. This has to be considered in the experiment, since if we isolate the patient, therapist and researcher, each of these situations will be / will have a different view of the same reality. And acupuncture is not scientifically proven that way


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