Acupuncture is an ancient Eastern traditional practice that has survived for thousands of years, and still offers a great deal of benefit today for those who suffer from a variety of conditions. While some of the conditions that acupuncture has been found to be the most beneficial include allergies, lung disorders such as asthma, migraines, back pain, and arthritis, acupuncture has helped a large number of people to eliminate pain, reduce symptoms, alleviate stress and anxiety, and lead healthier, more balanced lives. Even though acupuncture as an art and science was first introduced in Eastern civilizations, its modern day influence has spanned the globe, and is now a widely accepted from of medicine even in the Western world. Those who seek the help of a certified acupuncture provider and those who become certified in the field of acupuncture continue to rise in number annually in the US. While a lot of people may cringe at the very thought of it, acup...