Earth Pearls from Red Panda Herbs All symptoms of qi deficiency: fatigue, weak extremities, tendency to diarrhea, poor appetite, shortness of breath, low voice, pale face color, susceptibility to cold/flu All symptoms of cold damp: abnormal weight gain (especially after childbirth); general sense of heaviness/sluggishness, brain fog; chronic discharge All symptoms of cold phlegm: stuffy chest, poor digestion, chronic cough, dizziness All symptoms of wind cold: acute cold/flu, especially in elderly and deficient patients; chronic aversion to drafts All symptoms of wind damp: pain, weakness and/or numbness in neck, shoulders, arms, legs, and lower back Pale tongue with tooth marks and white coating All sensations of trapped qi and other signs of chronic digestive weakness, such as bloating, gas, abdominal discomfort, nausea and vomiting, undigested food in stool; tendency to diarrhea, but also constipation in people with low thyroid levels; bladder pressure/ discomfort; recurre...