Cancer development theory in Chinese medicine is complimentary to that of conventional medicine in many ways; there is agreement in the belief that genetics and environment toxins all contribute and predispose t o cancer development. However, Chinese medicine regards cancer, as the end result of multiple long - term, chronic body imbalances from both external and internal causes not a single end - stage event. These imbalances can result from genetic abnormalities or weakness (poor Kidney jing ), invasion by external pathogenic factors, exposure to environmental toxins, chemicals, drugs, chronic infections or inflammation, internal pathogenic factors (multiple organ dysfunction) and psychological stress. In brief, tumor s are considered to develop from a deficiency of Qi. Qi deficiency eventually leads to deficiency and stagnation of Qi and Blood and the development of Damp, Phlegm and Toxic Heat. Eventua lly there is an “entanglement” of Qi,...