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Showing posts from September, 2012

J.R. Worsley One of Many Teacher

The Ear

Acupuncture for chronic pain relief

Taoism in Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture and chinese Medicine

The Pulse, the Electronic Age and Radiation: Early Detection ; by  Leon Hammer, MD  and  Ross Rosen, LAc  published in The American Acupuncturist, Spring 2009 (Vol. 47) The Pulse and the Individual ; The American Acupuncturist, Spring 2008, Volume 43,  Leon Hammer, M.D. Contemporary Pulse Diagnosis: Introduction to an Evolving Method for Learning an Ancient Art — Part I ; American Journal of Acupuncture, Vol. 21, No. 2, 1993,  Leon Hammer, M.D. Pulse Diagnosis: Are we allowing it to become a lost art?  Acupuncture Today. Chinese Medicine and Disease: Acupuncture – Alternative Mesothelioma Treatments Inflammation in Atherosclerosis ; Medical Acupuncture Vol. 15, #2, 2003 Tradition and Revision ; Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine; Vol. 3 No. 1, 2002,  Leon Hammer, M.D. The Chinese Medical Model in Thyroid Disease ; American Journal of Acupuncture Vol. 10, No. 1, January-March 1982 Diagnosis and Acupuncture Treatment of ...

Yin Yang Theory,

Post-Stroke patient treated with microcurrent and acupuncture Sequence Therapy


The Metal Type Emotion: Grief and Loss Season: Autumn Struggle with : Loss Need: Respect Strength: Honest and Reliable Organs: Lungs and Large Intestine The nature of metal is strength, is it is consistent and reliable. Metal is precious and extremely useful because of these traits, along with its ability to be shaped, worked and manipulated. Metal can be as sharp as a blade and as beautiful as gold. It is used to protect us and contain us. In its rawest form trace metal in the soil feed the very functioning of growth and life itself. The organs of Metal are the lungs and the large intestine. These are the only two organs that are actually in direct contact with the world. Breath comes into the lungs from outside of the body and the LI evacuates what is no longer needed. Therefore, Metals are actually extremely vulnerable, both to physical attack from the outside world, and emotional affronts from other people. On a physical level this means that it is the lungs that a...

Acupuncture Ambassadors

Junk Science and Frankenfoods

Read an excellent rebuttal by Chuck Benbrook of the Organic Center (PDF)

What is Acupuncture?