If you believe that quality is a vital aspect of life as is your health and wellness, please read this article. The situation regarding Medical practitioners, Physiotherapists, Massage practitioners, in fact all shapes and kinds of health practitioners and the practice of Acupuncture in Australia is ambiguous to say the least. The use of dry needling amongst a variety of modalities, especially physiotherapy in recent years is perceived by many folk as the practice of Acupuncture. Dry needling, as wise practitioners of the above modalities will tell you, is not Acupuncture. Medical Acupuncture and the many simplified versions of needling used by many practitioners of Allied Modalities DO NOT apply the 3,000 years of clinical wisdom encapsulated within the practice of Traditional Acupuncture. The vast difference between the therapeutic application of acupuncture needles in Dry Needling, Medical Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Acupuncture and the more refined Traditional Japanese A...
Oriental Medicine not only identifies and treats illness and prevents disease but, just as importantly, optimizes health, wellbeing, and sustainability in our lives and in our world.